How Do Sports Physiotherapists Assess Your Injury?


Sports physiotherapists use a variety of tests, specialized equipment, and comprehensive history taking to assess your injury. They will identify any muscle imbalances, relevant medical history, and lifestyle factors that may have contributed to the injury or your rehab moving forward. Using all of this information, the Kent Chiro-Med Physiotherapist will create a treatment plan that is specific to you, your situation, environment, life, and needs. This may include rehabilitation exercises, lifestyle modification, education, as well as advice on your current training program and future competitions.

What Makes our Sport Physiotherapists Different?

The Physiotherapists at Kent Chiro-Med are highly skilled, educated, passionate, and genuinely enjoy the physical and mental challenges that are part of the profession. They work alongside you as a team to form a relationship and work hand in hand, like a professional health concierge. We have created a system that is based on an element of connection and a customized treatment process designed for each individual. There is no industrial standardized process that you have to go through. You are not just a number, and we do not treat the symptoms, we treat the person, the lifestyle, and the underlying problems. This is a journey that goes beyond “I am injured and I need to get fixed”

What Is A Sports And Exercise Physiotherapist?

A sports and exercise physiotherapist is a healthcare professional who specializes in the prevention and treatment of injuries and illnesses caused by sport and physical activity. They work with patients of all ages, from beginner athletes to professional athletes. Their job is to help patients recover from injuries, increase their endurance and strength, and correct any biomechanical imbalances that may be causing injuries.