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What is Covered in Government-Funded Physiotherapy Services?

What is Covered in Government-Funded Physiotherapy Services?

Government-funded services may vary depending on where you live. Outpatient physiotherapy clinic evaluation and treatment of flare-ups or increasing symptoms of chronic illnesses, a recent sickness, injury, or accident, and post-operative rehabilitation physiotherapy can all benefit from exercise and fall prevention sessions. Some clinics also provide services for a cost, such as services for chiropody, alternative and complementary medicine, massage treatment, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and sports medicine.

OHIP-Covered Physiotherapy for Arthritis

If you have a prescription for physiotherapy and match the criteria, you can get OHIP-funded physiotherapy for chronic diseases, however, there are certain restrictions. OHIP will cover physiotherapy aimed at resolving an acute episode or worsening of symptoms and only if the worsening has decreased your mobility or capacity to operate in everyday life. OHIP coverage is not intended to provide long-term care or ongoing chronic disease management. When you have achieved your rehabilitative goals, OHIP funding stops.