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Have you been involved in a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Our specialized approach to treating car accident patients has proven to help heal many of those injured in Ottawa. Our carefully crafted treatment plan includes dealing with your acute pain through chiropractic treatments first, then graduating to physiotherapy sessions for ongoing pain management. Lastly, we provide a home care plan that works for the future.

Common injuries associated with car accidents:

Back pain, whiplash, sprains and strains, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, TMJ dysfunction, rotator cuff injuries, dizziness and headaches, jaw pain, and neck pain.

Proudly Associated With
Ontario Chiropractic Association Logo BW
Canadian Chiropractic Association BW
Ontario Physiotherapy Association BW

Our Plan for Your Recovery


Acute Pain

Our patients find relief with acute pain through chiropractic treatments. Ottawa chiropractic adjustments will help your body heal at a faster rate. That is why we suggest to first start with these then move onto physiotherapy.

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Continued Treatments

Our systematic approach then suggests receiving multiple physiotherapy treatments after your acute pain has been cared for using chiropractic sessions.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance does cover a lot for the motor vehicle accidents so make sure you follow the steps to get it covered.


Start the claim process before you first visit our clinic:

1. Report the accident to your insurance company.

2. Claims adjusters will be in contact and inform you how much will you be covered under your policy.

Statutory Accidents Benefits Coverages are provided by law with every auto insurance policy, which will cover the medical care required.

3. The Accident Benefits Application Package must be filled out, and after your claim is reviewed, then the amount of coverage will be decided.



If you don’t own car insurance:

For those who do not hold car insurance, they must go through Ontario’s Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund (MVACF).

More on insurance claims:

loss adjuster inspecting car involved in accident Ottawa
We understand….

We understand that this can be a stressful and traumatic time. Even if there are no signs of injury after an accident, it is important to get examined by a health care professional. Most injuries from a motor vehicle accident can take a few days or even months to show symptoms, but you should not delays the treatments. Delays can result in chronic pain and other serious health problems.

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