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What Does A Sports Physiotherapist Do?

Sports Physiotherapy is a unique form of physiotherapy specifically designed to help athletes and active people achieve their desired performance. It focuses on the prevention and treatment of injuries in the body’s muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones. This helps athletes improve their overall mobility, flexibility, strength, and endurance.

What Does A Sports Physiotherapist Do?

Sport physiotherapists assess injuries by carrying out a comprehensive examination of the injured area as well as the entire kinetic chain involved in the movement patterns of the sport. This allows them to identify why the injury occurred, what underlying factors increased the risk of injury, and how the body has compensated since the injury. Our Physiotherapists will also inquire about your current training program, weekly load, and important goals or competitions you have in the near or distant future. This is what makes Kent Chiro-Med different, it is a customized, tailor made, and personalized journey with your specific goals in mind.

What Does A Sports Physiotherapist Do?

Sports physiotherapists work with patients to help them regain their health and improve their overall fitness. They often work with patients who have issues with their muscles, joints, or tendons. They do this in multiple ways, including:

  • Assessing injuries and identifying the root cause of the injury. A thorough examination of the body will be required. This necessitates careful and detailed questioning regarding the current injury and previous injuries, as well as a complete physical evaluation.
  • Identify the source of pain, root cause, and contributing factors of the injury are. Many times the area of pain or discomfort is not where the injury is, and there are areas that are injured but you do not feel or are aware of because of pain distraction.
  • Develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses all weaknesses and imbalances, as well as lifestyle changes that will speed up healing and reduce aggravating factors.